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House Call

A custom story arc created for Sleeping Dogs. Told over 3 Missions

Challenge: Over a weekend, create a new Mission for Sleeping Dogs that fits into the storyline and game loop. If possible, create a level for the mission and incorporate it into gameplay.

Setting: Wei Shen has just defeated Big Smile Lee, and turned in the evidence needed to get Pendrew sent to prison. Shen can trust that Jiang won’t expose his secret, but there are still a handful of Triad out there who know he was undercover. Wei needs to tie up loose ends.

Constraints: Wei Shen is a police officer, but no longer undercover. We can’t have objectives that involve killing sans self defense. Additionally, I just want to communicate high level gameplay - Not going any deeper into level creation or assets than needed.


Mission 1: House Call 1

Activation: The Player returns to open world gameplay after completing the base game Mission “Big Smile Lee.” Wei receives a call from Broken Nose Jiang, asking to Meet in the Business District. Jiang tells Shen that she has something important to discuss.

Total Time: 10:00 minutes

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OBJECTIVE: Meet Aunt Jiang at the Business District

Time: 1:45 - 2:00 minutes - Travel

On Arrival, A Cutscene plays where Aunt Jiang tells Wei that some of Big Smile Lee’s men know he was undercover. Jiang tells Shen that although he stayed loyal, she cannot turn a blind eye if everyone else knows his secret. Wei must find a way to get rid of the potential snitches.

Time: 1:00 minute - In Game Cutscene

After the cutscene ends, place Wei back in the Business District.
- Wei gets a text from Pockmark, Jiang’s Advisor (“Tian owns a distribution office near the commercial district. Try there.”)

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OBJECTIVE: go to tian’s hideout

Time: 1:00 minute - Travel to Hangout

On arrival, the player sees Triad hanging out around the office.

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OBJECTIVE: find tian

Time: 0:30 Seconds - Walking

The Player must approach the Marker in the alleyway, surrounded by Thugs.

When the player gets within a certain range/trigger, the Combat Encounter begins

OBJECTIVE: Defeat tian’s thugs

Time: 5:00 minutes - Combat

Combat Encounter begins with 4 Enemies:

  • 3 Regular Triad

  • Tian

When the player lands a hit on one of the existing Enemies, we spawn in:

  • 2 Grapplers

One of these Grapplers will grab the Player, disabling them for a short period and allowing Tian to escape in an in-game sequence.

When the Player has defeated all spawned Enemies, the gate raises, revealing additional Enemies:

  • 2 Regulars

  • 1 Grappler

  • 1 Knife Wielder

When all enemies are defeated, the Next Objective triggers.

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OBJECTIVE: Search for clues

Time: 0:30 Seconds

Wei decides to look for clues to where Tian might have gone next. The Player progresses the Objective by interacting with the three computers in Tian’s Hideout.

After investigating all three, Wei discovers that Tian sent an email to a member of the 18k with evidence, and decides to follow up.

Mission 2: House Call 2

Activation: House Call 1 Complete. Wei Shen now knows that Tian sent an email with info incriminating him as a cop. Wei chooses to reach out to Teng to see if she has any leads on Tian’s location.

Time: 8:00 Minutes


OBJECTIVE: Call teng

Time: 0:20 seconds - Phone Call

Wei tells Teng what he found. Teng gives Wei a potential phone number of Tian to trace a call from.

When the Call is over, Next Objective.

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OBJECTIVE: Trace signal

Time: 1:00 minute - Travel to Trace Location

Wei completes Trace Signal minigame to find Tian’s location, the K-Bar. On Completion of Minigame, Next Objective.

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OBJECTIVE: Go to the K-bar

Time: 1:00 minute - Travel to K-Bar

On Arrival, a short in-game sequence plays showing Tian getting into his car and escaping. Next Objective

OBJECTIVE: chase down tian without hurting him

Time: 2:00 minutes - Chase Tian’s Vehicle

Wei must chase down Tian while his backup periodically appears to defend him.

  • Fail if you lose him

  • When close to his car, Next Objective

OBJECTIVE: Capture tian

Time: 0:30 seconds - Drive

Wei is prompted to Action Hijack Tian’s car. Once inside, Wei questions him about the 18k he sent the email to.

  • Tian says he won’t tell you anything. Next Objective

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OBJECTIVE: Drive like crazy

Time: 0:20 seconds - Hijack

Wei must drive aggressively to scare Tian into revealing info

  • When the aggressive driving meter is full, Tian tells you the location of the 18k

  • The cops begin chasing the Player. Next Objective

Time: 1:00 Minute - Driving Aggressively


OBJECTIVE: Drive to the drop off

Time: 1:00 Minute - Driving

Wei has extracted info from Tian and now needs to get him into police custody where he cannot spread info.

  • The Player fails if they lose the cops

  • The Player fails if they come to a complete stop, with Tian jumping out of the car

  • When the Player arrives, Next Objective


OBJECTIVE: Escape the cops

Time: 0:30 - 1:00 Minute - Running on Foot

Wei has just driven his car to the Drop Off while being chased by the Police. Tian will assuredly go to jail and now Wei needs to escape on foot.

  • Successfully escape to Complete the Mission

Mission 3: House Call 3

Activation: House Call 2 Complete. Wei Shen got the info he needed out of Tian. Now he has to successfully infiltrate the 18K Triad house and destroy whatever evidence was sent.

Time: 13:00 Minutes


OBJECTIVE: Go to the 18k triad’s house

Time: 1:00 Minutes

Wei drives to the Triad house. On Arrival, go to the Next Objective


OBJECTIVE: find a way through the back

Time: 1:00 - 1:30 Minutes

Wei finds that the front gate is locked and must look for another way in.

2 Enemies guard the area where Wei can gain entry:

  • 1 Regular

  • 1 Grappler

When the player has jumped over the gate in the back, and enters the backyard, go to the Next Objective


OBJECTIVE: Fight the thugs in the backyard

Time: 3:00 Minutes

Combat Encounter:

  • 4 Regular

  • 2 Grapplers

When all thugs are defeated, go to the Next Objective.

OBJECTIVE: fight to the computer

Wei fights his way into the house, and runs into two combats on the way to the computer. The first on the first floor:

Time: 1:30 Minutes

Combat Encounter:

  • 1 Grappler

  • 2 Knife Wielders

After defeating the 3 enemies, spawn in one additional enemy from the next room to introduce guns and guide the player:

  • 1 Pistoler (behind cover)

Wei then runs into another Combat Encounter when ascending to the second floor

Time: 1:00 Minute

  • 3 Pistolers (behind cover)

Once Wei arrives at the Computer Room, Next Objective


OBJECTIVE: Hack into the computer

Time: 0:15 Seconds

Wei deletes the incriminating files from the Computer.

Once Wei has finished interacting with the Computer, Next Objective

OBJECTIVE: fight to the 18k car

Time: 3:00 Minutes

Wei continues through to the balcony to make his escape. Spawn in enemy soldiers with guns:

  • 4 Pistoleers (behind cover)

When Wei kills 1/2 of the first wave or drops down to the trigger in the cover below the trigger, spawn in a vehicle that drives into the scene, dropping off additional enemies:

  • 1 Pistoleer

  • 1 Rifle User


OBJECTIVE: escape the 18k

Time: 1:30 - 2:00 Minutes

Defeat the pursuing 18k vehicles.

When all 18k vehicles have been defeated, Mission Complete!